Our goal is to ensure that each individual is treated with a foundation of respect and Individual Choice. We focus on Employment First and help assist with the individual’s life’s desire using Community Based Support.  Our focus is not on the disability but on the person.

A & S Support Services support coordination agency is an organization qualified by the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) to provide services to assist individuals in gaining access to needed programs and state plan services, as well as needed medical, social, educational and other services. A & S Support Services Support Coordinators work in partnership with the client, his/her family, DDD, and service providers.

Support Coordinators:

  • Identify the client’s support needs and preferences.
  • With the person and family, develop the NJ person Centered Planning Tool and NJ individual Service Plan.
  • Locate options for services that include: traditional disability providers, generic community supports, government supports beyond DDD, and /or natural support based on funds available in the person’s individual budget.
  • Ongoing monitoring of supports and services.
  • Responding to emergencies and other service-related needs of the person and/or family.